SHT21 Humidity Sensor Module Info

SHT21 Humidity Sensor Module is a sensor board based on digital temperature and humidity sensor SHT21. SHT21 is a low-cost, easy to use, highly accurate, digital humidity and temperature sensor. This sensor is ideal for environmental sensing and data logging and perfect for weather stations and humidity control systems. All you need is two lines for I2C communication and you’ll have relative humidity readings and very accurate temperature readings as a bonus!

Typical Applications:

  • Homes, basements and HVAC systems for measuring humidity
  • Home ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems
  • Meteorology stations to predict or check weather temperatures
  • Gardens or greenhouses to check humidity and temperatures


SHT21 Humidity Sensor Module – General Specifications

  • SHT21 digital humidity and temperature sensor
  • High accuracy
  • High resolution
  • Low energy consumption
  • I2C interface


SHT21 Humidity Sensor Module – Technical Specifications

  • Operating Voltage: 2.1V to 3.6V
  • Energy consumption :3.2uW (at 8 bit, 1 measurement / s)
  • Resolution: 0.04%RH, 0.02°C
  • Accuracy: ±2%RH, ±3°C
  • RH operating range: 0 – 100% RH
  • Temperature operating range: -40°C – 125°C
  • RH response time :8 sec
  • Weight: 1.02g
  • Size: 21 x 16mm





SHT21 Humidity Sensor Module Info

SHT21 Humidity Sensor Module is a sensor board based on digital temperature and humidity sensor SHT21. SHT21 is a low-cost, easy to use, highly accurate, digital humidity and temperature sensor. This sensor is ideal for environmental sensing and data logging and perfect for weather stations and humidity control systems. All you need is two lines for I2C communication and you’ll have relative humidity readings and very accurate temperature readings as a bonus!

Typical Applications:

  • Homes, basements and HVAC systems for measuring humidity
  • Home ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems
  • Meteorology stations to predict or check weather temperatures
  • Gardens or greenhouses to check humidity and temperatures


SHT21 Humidity Sensor Module – General Specifications

  • SHT21 digital humidity and temperature sensor
  • High accuracy
  • High resolution
  • Low energy consumption
  • I2C interface


SHT21 Humidity Sensor Module – Technical Specifications

  • Operating Voltage: 2.1V to 3.6V
  • Energy consumption :3.2uW (at 8 bit, 1 measurement / s)
  • Resolution: 0.04%RH, 0.02°C
  • Accuracy: ±2%RH, ±3°C
  • RH operating range: 0 – 100% RH
  • Temperature operating range: -40°C – 125°C
  • RH response time :8 sec
  • Weight: 1.02g
  • Size: 21 x 16mm




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